5 Must Have Mobile Apps for Sales Professionals

Sales professionals are perpetually on the move. Be it for client meetings, conducting off site team trainings or traveling to make presentations. In such a scenario, mobile apps are not just a ‘nice to have’, they are a necessity. Apart from enterprise email accounts and software, mobile apps can make the lives of salespeople, easy, educational and sometimes fun.

Mobile Apps for Salesperson 1We have compiled a list of the top 5 applications we believe a salesperson must have on his smartphone.

1) Dragon: A nifty app for those who hate writing notes. Dragon auto-translates voice memos to text. It can do the vice versa for text messages and emails as well.

2) Mobile CRM App: No matter which CRM your organization uses, you’ll certainly be better off if you download the mobile app version of the CRM. For those stuck in long meetings or extended travel, a CRM app makes it easy to add information on the go.

3) CamCard: In the age of mobile, there are still many of us who hand out paper business cards. Sales executives tend to collect a lot of cards, but what if they’re lost? CamCard helps to digitize cards with a simple photo and auto-saves the information on your device.

4) Dropbox: Client needs a copy of that 20MB deck? And your laptop just crashed when you tried to send it? Fear not. With Dropbox’s mobile app, you’ll never see a ‘your file is too large’ error message again.

5) eSignature: Signature apps are very handy when a customer is ready to commit to a contract. If your company uses DocuSign or Adobe EchoSign, it maybe a good idea to download their mobile app so that important documents can be signed no matter where you are.

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